About the Gallery

The Art Prima Gallery is one of the most noted authorities on Russian realistic painting of the 19th – 21st centuries in today’s Russia. The Art Prima is also the owner of an excellent art collection that comprises over one thousand paintings.
The Art Prima Gallery is actively cooperating with the Russian Artists' Union, the Moscow Artists' Union, the Vologda Regional Picture Gallery and takes part in all-Russian art exhibitions.
The Art Prima has accumulated a unique experience in mounting both large-scale exhibits and 30 one-man shows . For only seven years since we started our activities we have succeeded in publishing seven art editions and in releasing a series of large-scale exhibition projects: Image of Homeland , devoted to Russian landscape painting, The Romanticists in Realistic Art in Moscow (2007-2008), St.Petersburg (2009) and Vologda (2009), Nizhny Novgorod (2010), Moscow (2012), which were recognized as major events in the cultural scene of Russia.
Each project initiated by the Art Prima is primarily aimed at popularizing the heritage of the Russian realistic school of painting pursuing, at the same time, some business, cultural and social objectives.
We seek to provide the best promotion to our projects and our painters making use of all mass media and advertising technologies available: the Internet and special events marketing, television and the radio, dvd disk, the press and outdoor advertising. Primary attention is paid to publishing exhibition catalogues and art editions illustrating our painters’ work, making documentaries , writing articles, as well as sponsoring research devoted to the painters listed on the Art Prima catalogue.
To sponsor our projects we look for assistance of different private and public funds. Thus, the Art Prima largely relies on its cooperation with state-sponsored museums and the Russian Artists’ Union, especially in mounting art exhibitions.
All Art Prima’s projects are undertaken under the auspices of the President’s Administration, State Duma, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as other state authorities.
